LMAO – Laughing my ass off
Ass-panel at the seminar: It’s a Joke -at 13festivalen in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Explaining jokes about performance artists for 2.5 hours, with Anna Kinbom and John Huntington
As a tribute to all those performance artists that keep making complete asses of themselves, Ulla Hvejsel put her ass on the line and let it host a panel discussion with artists Anna Kinbom, and John Huntington. Together, they took a look at jokes about performanceartists – and tries to figure out and explain what the points were and why they were funny, and perhaps they also closed in on some points about performance art.
It is common knowledge however, that a joke is just not funny anymore once you explain why it is funny, and that may also be the case for performance art. However, in the rubble of the broken joke, a new joke may appear – and that joke might just be the one that can make us laugh in new and unexpected ways at things we never realized were ridiculous before.
Stay tuned for a new joke every friday!